Designs shown are in the order of my versions 1 and 2, and lastly the original layout currently on the site.

(Prototypes are scrollable)


UI/UX Designer



Enterprise B2C ECommerce


Re-design concepts for retail landing page. Main focus for improvements were for navigation, filters, use of imagery and text, and general layout styles.

Skills & Technologies

UI/UX Design, Brand/Visual Design, Prototyping, Illustration, Photoshop, Adobe XD

As far as design directions I chose, I decided to make the variance in v1 and v2 to be solely in the arrangement and style of shop categories and hero displays. I spent some time sketching for layout and studying various sites like Nike, Speedo, Adidas, and other e-commerce sites to see how they approached communicating to broad and narrow audiences. I borrowed from some common patterns I saw, like keeping the nav items visible, and reduced some nav links to icons, and rearranging the header to feel less cluttered. I chose to use stronger and larger display fonts to utilize type as a design element. Overall, my aim was to create something that could have a slightly more playful narrative and feel more personable.


Fluent Proficient Competent Novice

Sorry, this project is not available to show yet. Still in process...

user focused